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2018 NEWS

DMML's senior design team of Gregory Hart, Deborah Hudson, Megan Sahm and Jacqueline Tawney won 2nd Place in the MEM Competition with their miniature tensile Kolsky design.  CONGRATS!
CONGRATULATIONS to  Amanda Bellafatto for successfully defending her MS Thesis: 
The Role of Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Toughening Mechanisms on DGEBA Fracture
CONGRATULATIONS to Ariana Paradiso for successfully defending her MS Thesis: Failure Behavior of Woven Fiberglass under Combined Mechanical and Environmental Compressive Loading
 Zazzy Zhao successfully defended her MS Thesis Phase Content Influence on Fracture Properties of Group VB Transition Metal Carbides (in collaboration with Prof. G. Thompson from U-Alabama) and will be continuing on to a PhD with DMML- JOB WELL DONE!
Amanda Bellafatto wins 3rd Place in the ASM International Philadelphia Liberty Bell Chapter Graudate Reserach Poster Competition presenting her work on particulate polymer fracture - CONGRATS!
Ariana Paradiso WINS People's Choice Award for BEST RESEARCH POSTER at the 2018 Mach Conference in Annapolis, MD.  NICE JOB ARIANA!
DMML's Jacqueline Tawney wins a NSF Graduate Research Fellowship and will be attending Caltech in the fall to pursue her MS and PhD in Aeronautics- WAY TO GO JACQUE!
DMML has two new faces - Andrew Matejuna is joining as the newest PhD student and Isabella Mendoza is joining us from MSE for a 6 month CO-OP.  WELCOME ABOARD!
Dr. L receives a NSF CAREER Award for her proposed work on MAX phases - onwards and upwards team!
Jacqueline Tawney receives the 2018 College of Engineering (COE) Outstanding Undergraduate Award from Drexel, CONGRATS JACQUE!
Zazzy Zhao wins a Make A Difference Impact Scholarship from Alpha Omega Epsilon Foundation (promoting women in STEM)- Congrats!!!   
HAPPY NEW YEAR DMML - here's to a productive and awesome 2018

XSTRM © 2023 by Frank's Cloud Studio Productions

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